Accordingly, why do you feel the African-American community appears to lack unity? Does this community tend to “hate” their features, as the one of the presenter’s sources indicates?

The African American community lacks unity because we are always worried about the next man stealing power from us. Instead of empowering the next person we tend to look down upon them. I have noticed that jealously lies in a lot of peoples hearts and that is the root of our lack of unity. I do not think that we hate our features but we hate the fact that someone else is doing better. It should not be that way. We should all uplift one another and instead of being jealous at those at the top, we should strive to become better than what they have become. After all our race has been through there are still African Americans that do not realize that we have the power to achieve anything if we help our people. If others see that we belittle our race they will also. Many people wonder why we are looked down upon and the answer is because we have prejudices within our own race. Unity has to be established in order for us to receive the respect that we argue for. It all begins with us and the way we view one another. If we make changes within our race and the things that we do to support one another there will be changes from the way we are treated by other races. We have to be willing to have respect for one another in every aspect.

About jasminedukes

Hello everyone. My name is Jasmine Dukes and I am a Freshman, Fashion Merchandising major at Clark Atlanta University.

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